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We are having our Fellowship Breakfast this morning, commencing at 9:00am . It's a great chance for us to catch up, and enjoy each other's company before we commence our worship. If you would like to come, please bring some food to share, and enjoy the fellowship!


During our fellowship breakfast, we will also be having a discussion about Eastside's future , with a view to talking about two things: 1. Whether we should move back to the Mill Hill Centre; and 2. Whether we should have a theme for 2023 . No decisions will be made; it is purely a preliminary discussion to gauge your thinking on these topics. We encourage you to come and participate.


The next Eat & Pray Session is taking place at Rob & Ling's place today. Lunch will commence at 1pm, with prayer to follow at 2pm. If you would like to attend, please let Rob or Ling know, and bring a plate of food to share. Thank you for your continuing hospitality, Rob & Ling!


With Christian away today, a big thank you to Michael for swapping Lord's Supper duties with him , and Grant for leading songs for Michael. Much appreciated, brothers!


We ask that you continue to keep the following people in your prayers: Wendy , who continues to suffer from severe nerve pain; Wendy's mum, Violet , who is still very frail; Kevin's mum, Joan , in her care home; Logan & Zelda , as they continue to endure their own health challenges; Ling , as she patiently awaits a decision from her surgeon regarding her eye; Wai Leng in Singapore, as she continues to wait for a liver transplant; Keilini's mother, Mele , as she endures her own health struggles; and Grant , as he continues his work in Charlestown and with us here in Sydney.


We hope you all have a blessed week ahead, filled with opportunities to spread God's kingdom through acts of love and service to your neighbours. Stay close to God, and keep on keeping on!



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Shane and his new guard dog

Eastside Church of Christ, Kensington, NSW.
Contact: Grant: M. 0435 840 886 •
PO Box 412 Bondi Junction NSW 1355.

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