2. The Word of God
To encourage people to see the necessity of submission to the Bible as the only source of salvation & inspiration.
Read the scripture and ask these questions: What is happening here and who is affected? What does this tell me about Jesus? What does this mean to me?
1. 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
1) All scripture is God breathed.
2) It’s useful.
3) Thoroughly equipping.
2. MATTHEW 15:1-9
1) Tradition invalidates Gods word.
2) Worship must be from the heart.
3) Otherwise it’s vain/useless.
3. HEBREWS 4:12-13
1) Gods word is living and active.
2) Gods word is sharp and cuts.
3) Nothing is hidden before God.
4. 2 PETER 1:19-20
1) All scripture is from God.
2) There is only one correct interpretation.
5. 2 PETER 3:15-16
1) Paul was inspired by God.
2) Some things are hard to understand.
3) The penalty for misuse of scripture is ones own destruction.
6. JOHN 8:31-32
1) We must stay with Christ’s teachings.
2) A disciple follows Jesus.
3) Staying with Jesus will keep us free from sin.
7. JOHN 12:47-48
1) Jesus’ first visit was to save the world.
2) He’s coming again in judgement.
1) Galatians 1 :6 -12. There is no other Gospel.
2) 2 Peter 1: 3. God has given to us everything.
3) Jude 3.The faith delivered once, for all.
4) Revelation 22:18.Must be no addition or subtraction.
Response - The Bible contains everything we need to get through this life, we need nothing in addition.
2a. Sufficiency of God's Word
To create in each one the desire to study God's Word.
Read the scripture and ask these questions: What is happening here and who is affected? What does this tell me about Jesus? What does this mean to me?
1) His word is sufficient for everything.
a, Produces security.
b, Produces compassion.
c, Produces patience.
d, Produces love, etc
2) Through a true knowledge of Jesus.
3) We must look more at Jesus.
1) We must receive God’s word.
2) Must treasure His commandments.
3) God’s word is buried treasure.
4) If you knew where treasure was buried, would you dig it up?
5) God’s word produces only good things.
1) God’s word must be taken to heart.
2) We must be constantly reminded of His word.
3) God’s word should be taught and talked about at every opportunity.
4) Those who keep God’s commandments are always victorious.
We must be hungry for the word o f God, to study and to live it.
Supplementary Study
2b. Attitude towards God's Word
To encourage people to see the necessity of submission to the Bible as the only source of salvation & inspiration.
Read the scripture and ask these questions: What is happening here and who is affected? What does this tell me about Jesus? What does this mean to me?
1. 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17
1) All scripture is God breathed.
2) It’s useful.
3) Thoroughly equipping.
2. MATTHEW 15:1-9
1) Tradition invalidates Gods word.
2) Worship must be from the heart.
3) Otherwise it’s vain/useless.
3. HEBREWS 4:12-13
1) Gods word is living and active.
2) Gods word is sharp and cuts.
3) Nothing is hidden before God.
4. 2 PETER 1:19-20
1) All scripture is from God.
2) There is only one correct interpretation.
5. 2 PETER 3:15-16
1) Paul was inspired by God.
2) Some things are hard to understand.
3) The penalty for misuse of scripture is ones own destruction.
6. JOHN 8:31-32
1) We must stay with Christ’s teachings.
2) A disciple follows Jesus.
3) Staying with Jesus will keep us free from sin.
7. JOHN 12:47-48
1) Jesus’ first visit was to save the world.
2) He’s coming again in judgement.
1) Galatians 1 :6 -12. There is no other Gospel.
2) 2 Peter 1: 3. God has given to us everything.
3) Jude 3.The faith delivered once, for all.
4) Revelation 22:18.Must be no addition or subtraction.
Response - The Bible contains everything we need to get through this life, we need nothing in addition.